
Muscle Hypertrophy and BFR

Muscle Hypertrophy and BFR

Muscle fibers need to have an increased tension applied to them to increase their size or muscle hypertrophy. This also translates into increased strength, directly. In our clinic, we try to aim for...

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Golf, the Journey!

Golf, the Journey!

This is golf season, yeah summer. I gotta admit, I was never into golf but after trying it out and finding it challenging, I decided I am going to learn it. I have gone to the range and tried out a...

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Spinal Degeneration and Poor Balance

Spinal Degeneration and Poor Balance

Myelopathy is an injury to the spinal cord due to severe compression that may result from trauma, congenital stenosis, degenerative disease, or disc herniation as defined by John Hopkins University....

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Plantar Fasciosis (not plantarfasciitis)

Plantar Fasciosis (not plantarfasciitis)

Plantar Fasciosis (not plantarfasciitis) is tendinosis that is located in the plantar aponeurosis usually located in the medial plantar heel. It affects >2 million people. It is also recurring. A...

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Neck Pain Exercises

Neck Pain Exercises

From time to time, I like to share the history of my personal stories of my injuries, and how they affect me, rarely only. In today’s blog I want to start this way, and tell you that I have...

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Caring hands? Take care of them

Caring hands? Take care of them

Have you heard of the phrase, “caring hands.” You probably had heard this phrase many times. Anywhere from the healthcare industry to the housing industry. Just google it. However, they all mean the...

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