2case studies: MS and drop foot
Each used the NEUBIE to achieve the results
Case Study: 51 y/o Female with Low Back Pain and Right Lower Extremity Radiculopathy
Performed by & Location: Philip Hixson PT, MSPT, DPT, TPS at the Keystone Functional Restoration Program in Sacramento, California using the NeuFit method.
Keywords: 51-year-old female physician with chronic low back pain and significant right foot drop.
Treatment and Outcome:
Ms. M performed 12 NeuFit sessions over 6 weeks using the Neubie device for neuromuscular re-education and strengthening. Her right lower extremity weakness and foot drop were not caused by structural abnormalities, cancer, infection, blood clot, or other conditions requiring immediate medical intervention. NeuFit mapping identified areas of neurological dysfunction in her right hamstrings, quadriceps, and anterior tibialis. After treatment, her right lower extremity strength significantly improved, and her gait pattern normalized, resulting in significant improvement in her low back pain.
Patient Information/Diagnosis:
Ms. M had significant tension and tenderness in her bilateral lower back, right gluteal, and right lateral hip region. She received two epidural steroid injections, leading to significant right lower extremity weakness and foot drop. After months without improvement, she was treated unsuccessfully by multiple doctors, physical therapists, a chiropractor, and an acupuncturist. On her first day at the Keystone Functional Restoration Program, her gait pattern was very slow and unsteady due to the inability to dorsiflex her right ankle.
Ms. M was frustrated with her ongoing low back pain and right lower extremity weakness for three years. She failed to see improvement with traditional treatments. She was very pleased with the NeuFit treatments and the outcome, as she returned to a normal functional life, resumed work, and enjoyed life with her family. She expressed her gratitude in her testimonial, highlighting the significant positive impact the treatment had on her life.
"For almost 3 years, my life was a nightmare. I suffered from low back pain and right leg weakness that no doctor or treating practitioner had any answers for. Not only was I not able to work, but I wasn't able to walk or do many activities I used